Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day!

I had to show off the outfits made my kmaedesigns.. Kya got to wear hers to school. I tried to get nice pics of the kids but Auron wasnt having it.. Ill try again later after he has a nap and Kya gets home from school. Happy St. Patricks Day!

Craft time at mommy's school.

Yesterday was a LONG and rainy day. I could not get the kids to stop fighting for anything. They spent so much time in time-out. Then i put them down for naps and i chatted online with a friend. I told her about the kids fighting all day.. She said they were probably bored and suggested doing a craft with them. So i searched around for an idea of what we could do.. I dont have any art supplies. So paper plates and Crayons it is! The kids woke up from nap and were still bickering.. So i made them go sit down at the table and said, "CRAFT TIME!!".. Kya shouted with joy! So i gave them their plates and said color.. we are going to make a mask. I even made on too! They loved it! They they played nice the rest of the day. Thank you Julie for the great idea.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Snow Day!

Last week we had our 1st Big snow of the year! Well in 5 years since we've been in Virginia. LOL! Kya was so excited about going out to play in it. But wasnt too happy when i told her that school was closed! Auron just kept pointing outside and saying "snow"! So after i got them some breakfast, i bundled them up the best i could and we headed out to play! Kya enjoyed making snow angels and Auron didnt think too much of it at first. He kept saying "i cold!". So i took them inside. Kya wasnt too thrilled about that, but i promised her that i would take them out again after lunch.
And as promised i did! I learned from the 1st time out that Auron's ears were really cold.. So i went to find his hat. He wore it last in December. Well when i tried it on, his head is too big now! Oh well.. so i dug out one of Kya's old hats. So poor Auron had to play in a pink hat. He didnt seem to mind though. He preferred to stay on the sidewalk and make snowballs to throw. He wouldnt throw them at anyone though.. But Kya threw them at him! Kya was disappointed that we couldnt make a snowman. There was ALOT of snow but it was too fluffy to stick together. Overall they had a great snow day!
School was out for 3 days here. But on day 3, when the snow had melted quite a bit. I took Kya out to make a snowman. It was small but she had alot of fun making it. I turned to her giggling and saw a stick, sticking out the front of him. You know adults and their dirty minds so i had to ask, "Kya what is that?"! She said, "its his belly button mommy!" And i just bursted out laughing.. Oh the innocence of children! Next year we will be prepared with winter clothes, sled, and All!

I had knee surgery

Well lets start with why i needed knee surgery! Back on August 20th, I was doing a jumpkick drill in kickboxing class that i have done many times and when i landed it i heard the most horrorfing sound ever! It sounded like a rubber band pop and i crumbled to the floor.. It hurt so bad that it took all my adrenaline to keep from crying. After about an hour of sitting there with ice on my knee, i tried to get up and walk but every step on my right foot would cause my knee to buckle and again send excruciating pains thru my knee. I saw a specialist 2 days later and it was a completely torn ACL. So i had to endure a month of Physical Therapy to get the range of motion back. I was scheduled for surgery a month later but had to cancel due to my hubby getting out of the military and losing insurance. As soon as our New insurance began in December i began looking for a doctor but chose to wait til after the holidays to go forth with the surgery.
Here we are now in March. I had my surgery three weeks ago on the 19th of February. I was really scared because i dont like being put to sleep. And then i didnt know how recovery would be afterwards.. And i still have 2 small children to be a mother to. A new friend of mine here in Chester kept the kids all day so that Daniel could stay with me.. Surgery went great and i then was told to stay completely off that leg for 2 weeks.. Which is not an easy task for a mom of 2. But i managed. After 48 hours i was able to take the bandages off and shower. There were only 4 small incisions being held with 1 or 2 stitches. Not too bad! Well here i am on week 3 and im walking on it and driving! YAY! Looks like i may be a fast healer!
48 hours after surgery before the shower!

5 days later!

I start physical therapy again next week. I still dont have full range of motion. I cant even get to 90 degrees yet, so its going to be a long road still. I was told that it would take at least 6 months for it to be completely normal. And in the mean time No twisting exercises or sports are to be done. So its going to be treadmill, elliptical, and bikes for me, for the next 6 months.. I guess its better than nothing..But boy do i miss group classes at the gym and summer softball league. But things could be alot worse so i will continue to count my blessings!