Monday, November 17, 2008

Their bunk bends!

Earlier this week we bought the kids their 1st set up "big" beds. It was Kya's idea to get the bunk beds! She is so smart. We were discussing how their room is kinda on the small side and when we get them 2 beds they'll have No room to play.. And she jumps right in and says, "i have an idea!" "We could get bunk beds!". So dan and i look at each other and were like, thats a great idea. So we now have their beds together and we let the kids pick out their own bedspreads.. Kya picked "princess" of course.. And Auron chose "Cars". They LOVE their new beds and have been sleeping great. I guess it helps to have comfortable mattresses too! My babies are growing up to fast.. Its so hard to believe that they are out of "cribs" and "toddler" beds too!


Halloween Was really fun this year! Even if we got the costumes the day of Halloween and there were slim pickings. Both of the kids really knew what to do! Of course at the 1st House Auron walked right in, and then preceeded to go in a complete circle around their house! But then at about the 3rd house he caught on! He would say , "Tik-er-teet" and then he'd get his candy! Than Dan or i would say, "What do you say?" And he'd say "Dank oo". Than he'd say, "I RUN" and run to the next house. Kya, always the little model, would do her thing and than say, How do you like my dress! She loved it, especially since it lit up! Kya enjoyed being our own personal flashlight.. Im just glad that it turned out to be a good time for us, especially since we were worried about money from our recent move!